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  • in reply to: cracked keel #78949

    Wow! Makes me glad I’ve have never grounded.

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    in reply to: leak #77817

    Hmm…I guess I would have to challenge that. My boat is always in the
    water, yet the bilge pump rarely works (I have spent up to a month aboard
    without hearing the pump working even once). I would have to think that any
    even a tiny leak would increase over time due to pressure, even more so with
    sailing or motoring. We are talking here about a flaw in the hull….to me
    that is a serious issue! Even with a boat sitting stationary at the slip
    for 12 years I would expect to see an increase; I use the boat a lot, and I
    have NOT seen a change . I have pumped out the bilge a couple of times,
    and it stays dry…until it rains. Just my two cents.

    Mary E. Springhorn
    P424, Hull #61, Sailing out of Bellingham, WA

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    in reply to: leak #77814

    Um…are you saying that there is water incursion through the hull at the
    point where the ballast meets the aft end of the keel?

    Mary E. Springhorn
    P424, Hull #61, Sailing out of Bellingham, WA

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    in reply to: Testing the list #77422


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    in reply to: Boat pix #76812

    Yes…very neat! Except the link took me to 74 Talent Rd, Litchfield
    NEBRASKA, lol! Don’t think I’ll find your boat there.

    Mary E. Springhorn
    S/V PARALLAX, P424, Hull #61
    Sailing out of Bellingham, WA

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    in reply to: Bomar hatch leak #76578

    Just a clarification…I didn’t just buy the spring. I bought an entire
    unit (the assembly that dogs down the hatch). It could be that they no
    longer sell that either, but it would be worth an inquiry if that is
    what you need.


    On 1/10/2011 9:17 AM, Rick Dugger wrote:

    I also need a couple of those little springs..
    About a year ago Pompanette told me they don’t sell the springs separately..
    It would be great to find that someone does.

    I believe a got my gasket material from Defender…

    Don Casey in Sailmagazine March 2009 also recommends GE Silpruf SCS2000 or
    Dow 795 Silicone when replacing the acrylic.

    Nice article about Dinghy Lifting Tor

    Eclipse #73
    On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 11:08 AM, Silverheels wrote:

    Thanks, Rich. I’ll check West Marine for that gasket material next chance I
    get. As for the latch spring, I’m not ready to replace the entire hatch
    because of it. Any idea who made the original hatches?

    Hey, does anyone in the group who has replaced their hatches still have
    their old ones? Want to sell me those little springs?


    SilverHeels, P-424 #17

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    in reply to: Bomar hatch leak #76558

    Hi, Tor,
    I replaced one of those parts on the hatch in the V-berth a few years
    ago….can’t tell you exactly when as the maintenance log is on the boat.
    Anyway, I believe I bought the replacement from Prompanette (sp?)…the
    company that bought up the Bowmar brand.

    Mary E. Springhorn
    P424 PARALLAX, Hull #61
    Sailing out of Bellingham, WA

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    in reply to: Windlass Thoughts #75878

    Hi, Patrick,
    About a third of the time, the chain can come up without an issue….the
    rest of the time, it “castles” and would override if I wasn’t there at the
    bow using a “joe-poke” stick to help things along. I essentially
    single-hand all the time and use at least 100 feet of chain (the remainder
    of the 300 foot rode is nylon) routinely. No issues with the chain coming
    out, of course…I have windlass controls at the helm and the bow (removable
    hand held). Hope this helps!

    Mary E. Springhorn
    P424 PARALLAX, Hull #61
    Sailing out of Bellingham, WA

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    in reply to: Most delightful improvement… #75623


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    in reply to: Anchors #71889

    Hi, Jack,
    I have a 45 lb. CQR over my port roller (after many years, I’ve identified this as my secondary anchor, for my cruising grounds) and a 40 lb. Danforth over my starboard roller. I’ve actually had to deploy them both only once, but it’s nice to have the second anchor there just in case. Anyway, my Pearson doesn’t have the extended anchor platform, but there is ample room for both anchors as long as you have dual rollers. I installed a second roller some years ago. The roller I installed was an “universal” one and therefore engages both of my anchors. Hope this helps.

    Mary E. Springhorn
    P424, PARALLAX, Hull #61
    Sailing out of Bellingham, WA

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    in reply to: plumbing woes #71856

    Thanks, Max. 😉


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    in reply to: plumbing woes #71854

    I’m delighted to say that the fix was easy. It turns out I forgot about the fresh water faucet in the cockpit coaming (installed by the P.O.) as I never use it. Of course, this is higher than all the others, and once I bled this, the system pressurized normally and everything works fine now. Maybe I need to buy a lottery ticket, now??



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    in reply to: plumbing woes #71851

    Thanks all for the suggestions. I’ll mosey on down to the boat and do some trouble shooting. I’m hoping it’s not the pump, because I can’t get the foot pump to work either, making me think it’s an air-lock issue.

    Thanks Again,


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    in reply to: plumbing woes #71846

    Hi, Bob,
    No, there is still air coming through the cold water system, but at least I’m getting a goodly supply of water as well. I can’t answer as to what kind of pump I have at the moment…I’d have to go and look. I can safely say I don’t have empty tanks…I’d topped them off a month or so ago, and don’t use all that much in four days out on the water. I haven’t tried running the pump with the valves closed, but I can certainly try that experiment. The system worked fine before the faucet change…I’d been out on the boat about a week before hand. BTW, the water heater is not “live”, i.e. it’s not being heated by electricity. I don’t keep it hot when at the slip. Thanks for your suggestions.



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    in reply to: plumbing woes #71845

    Hi, Don,
    Guess I should have noted that the fresh water system worked fine before the faucet change…I’d been out on the boat literally a week before…so I have to rule out low temperature damage. And, the tanks are full (enough), but I’ll try closing the valves as you mentioned.



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