Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI do believe the rudder packing gland is the same style and ?size as the shaft packing gland. When I first bought my P424 (31 yrs ago!) I noted a moderate leak but only under power with moderate speed. The gland is above the waterline at the dock but submerges under power load. I struggled to reach it and actually replaced the packing at the dock with no leaks. If I ever do it again I’d probably apply some packing grease as well. Good luck!!
Folly II, #131robert-troisegmail-com
ParticipantMy hot water flowcontroller problem has been solved! It turns out the mechanic damaged the diverter spring when he took apart the manifold to replace exhaust elbows. I would caution everyone that if you remove the flowcontroller for any reason make sure the diverter spring is in good shape and positioned well. Before assembly be sure spring fully covers second pipe hole or antifreeze won’t flow into first pipe hole to domestic hot water tank!
Bob T.robert-troisegmail-com
ParticipantThe 424’s are great boats but they do have their concerns that seem to plague most of them. Steel straps over the fuel tanks do cause corrosion but also most of these tanks are only 1/8″ thick aluminum. I do believe most 424 owners would agree these tanks should be replaced (mine was done and the new custom tank is 3/16″ thick aluminum) and certainly replaced if you are planning on engine replacement. If you replace the tank later, it requires engine removal!! All this being said, I’ve had my 424 for almost 26 years and love it!
Pearson 424 sloop “Folly II”, #131robert-troisegmail-com
ParticipantHello all,I find the information on the website to very valuable. It helps me solve problems on my P424 and also gives me lots of ideas to modify my boat ( a boat I have owned for 24 years. I would like to donate but (call me old fashioned) I am not a great fan of giving out credit card numbers on the internet. For myself and others who might feel the same… is there a snail mail address where I could mail a donation?? ThanksBobFolly II, P424 #131robert-troisegmail-com
ParticipantAny chance that your cooling jacket of the v drive is partly blocked like mine was? Mine is plumbed to be the first item after the sea cock and was 80% clogged with deposits!
Bob, Folly II #131robert-troisegmail-com
ParticipantMy '81 V drive worked but had a significant oil leak. It turns out the under surface of the unit had corroded badly – probable due to the closeness of the stuffing box. A rebuild with a new lower casing would cost almost as much as a new unit. Solution was a new unit and shorten the stern tube hose to get the stuffing box away from the V Drive. I did it on the hard so shaft could be removed and a new cutlass bearing done!BobFolly II, #151robert-troisegmail-com
ParticipantCongratulations,My 424 is the 3rd Pearson that I have owned ('76 P28, '84 P34 and now '81 P424). It's a great boat with many years of happiness (and sometimes frustration) ahead of you. I have NEVER met anyone who doesn't speak very highly of the design and the value of the boat. I have had mine for over 23 years and love it!!Good Luck,Bob T.Folly II #151robert-troisegmail-com
ParticipantThis past winter I replaced 6 seacocks. Bought a step wrench which worked well with a large crescent wrench. All the thru hulls unscrewed with force. Scary part is some only had 3 threads into seacocks as Pearson cut thru hull too short and could have engaged more of the seacocks!Decided not to add backing plates because hull is at least 1/2 inch thick and old seacocks worked well for 35 years. I enlarged hot water tank access in aft cabin to get better access to port cockpit drain seacock. Old seacock was frozen and unreachable!!
Now I will turn it monthly.robert-troisegmail-com
ParticipantI am new to the website but owned my P424 over 23 years. I did belong to the old newsletter years ago. Here is a question for anybody to answer. Is there any easy way to improve the side deck drainage? The 2 scuppers work ok when underway and heeling but DO NOT completely drain the side deck when at the dock. The result is constant water and stains!! -