Forums General Discussion What the heck was Edson thinking?

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    • #220542
      Rob Osterman

      I’m trying to replace my throttle and transmission control cables. I’m using the write up listed here:

      The clamp holding the cables is such a gimmick and is poorly designed. I can’t get enough access to it in order to remove the cables from the clamp. I’ve followed all the instructions and have released tension to the chain to try to get more space.

      Any suggestions on how to get the clamp around the steering shaft and up outside the pedestal? I’m considering pulling it from the deck to get access.

    • #220543
      I just went through this PITA.  I finally had to loosen the cables to the chain, remove the compass, and pry it off the sprocket to aft.  But this was easy after I removed the fuel tank and engine.  Make sure you don’t move the wheel so you can keep rudder alignment.  Then there’s enough room to get the clamp out.  I could then get the cables out.  Since I am going electric, I didn’t have to try and replace the cables and that damned clamp.  Have fun!
      424 ketch #135
      Keehi Lagoon, O’ahu

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