Forums For Sale Westerbeke W71C Engine 2600 Hrs – Best Offer

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    • #225287

      Hi Folks,

      Due to a failed fuel tank I have decided to take the opportunity to convert my 424 to electric ahead of schedule. I am selling the entire diesel drive train which includes a 2001 Westerbeke W71C engine/transmission with 2600hrs, driveshaft and a 1980 Walter v-drive. The engine starts immediately and runs smoothly but the raw water pump bearing is worn so the pump will need to be rebuilt. The kit for that is +- $250. This comes complete with control cables, control panel wiring harness, alternator wiring harness, fuel filter, water filter, hoses, etc.

      All of this equipment is at Bock Marine on Adams Creek just south of the Nuese river in Beaufort, NC. If you have an interest or any questions I can be reached at 978-835-1906.

      No reasonable offer refused.

    • #225291
      Ken Page

      Failed fuel tank?

      Taking what comes as I get it, using it all as much as I can and trying hard to leave all the shit behind.

    • #225299
      Stella Maris

      I’d be interested in the drive shaft. Would you sell it by itself?

      Thanks – Chris

    • #225300

      Failed fuel tank?

      Yup. Apparently the last owner chose to have it repaired cheaply in Grenada. Welds were not done properly.

    • #225301
      Ken Page

      Matter of fact, the welding took place in Florida from a reputable Vero Beach fabrication shop, I can give you their number and address. Could this failure have anything to do with your attempt to fill the tank with a high capacity diesel hose? I think a funnel would have worked fine, it always has for me.

      Taking what comes as I get it, using it all as much as I can and trying hard to leave all the shit behind.

    • #225323

      Hi All,

      The westerbeke w71c has been sold.

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