Forums General Discussion Westerbeake Model 60; Injector Pump

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    • #68509

      I am one of the guys that still has the original Westerbeake M60. Yesterday
      I noticed that my injector pump is beginning to seep, weep, leak a little. Nothing bad, but I don’t think I have seen it wet before. Everything seems to be running well. Is this something I should worry about. I always get a little nervous when a part starts acting up on an engine that you can’t order parts for. I am not ready to think about re-powering yet. The engine has low hours (for a 30 year old) and is in overall good shape, good compression etc. Currently we are in Marathon FL and are heading to KWest and then back across the gulf to Gulf Shores. I don’t want to need parts in the Torgugas, if you know what I mean.

      On a similar but different note; it would be interesting to know how many of the 424’s still have the original 58’s or 60’s and how many have new power plants. Then, what engines are going in as replacements? Anyone have any ideas on how we could do a survey of the owners?

    • #78200

      Yes, I have my original W-60, hull #120.
      I had to replace my injector pump two years ago, just south of Charleston,
      en route home to VA from the Bahamas. The pump itself cost at that time
      $475 thru Trans Atlantic Diesel, and they promptly shipped out overnight.
      You really should replace the pump, as these pump seals are on borrowed time
      after thirty years. The situation will only deteriorate, and your bilge
      fill with fuel. Be sure they send you a Westerbeke, not Perkins pump (as they
      mistakenly did me) as the top, or output seal is different; otherwise, the
      two pumps are identical and governed the same.

      Capt Bill Tice ,aboard s/v CHARISMA, 23*31.10N / 75*45.50W
      George Town, Bahamas

      In a message dated 1/31/2012 12:15:50 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

      I am one of the guys that still has the original Westerbeake M60.
      I noticed that my injector pump is beginning to seep, weep, leak a little.
      Nothing bad, but I don’t think I have seen it wet before. Everything
      seems to be running well. Is this something I should worry about. I always
      get a little nervous when a part starts acting up on an engine that you
      can’t order parts for. I am not ready to think about re-powering yet. The
      engine has low hours (for a 30 year old) and is in overall good shape, good
      compression etc. Currently we are in Marathon FL and are heading to KWest
      and then back across the gulf to Gulf Shores. I don’t want to need parts in
      the Torgugas, if you know what I mean.

      On a similar but different note; it would be interesting to know how many
      of the 424’s still have the original 58’s or 60’s and how many have new
      power plants. Then, what engines are going in as replacements? Anyone have
      any ideas on how we could do a survey of the owners?

      "People cannot discover new lands until they have the courage to lose
      sight of the shore."
      Andre Gide 1869-1951


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    • #78201

      Thanks, Bill.
      I called Atlantic Diesel and they asked me for a model# or DBA number that she said was on a tag or on the pump. I am not on the boat, but I am looking at a zoomed photo of the injector, and I see no such ID. Do you happen to have a copy of the injector model # or the DBA# (whatever that is).
      I would like to order one ahead of time before it blows out and then I don’t have anything.

    • #78202

      While I try to dig out that receipt you might try calling them back and
      mention to Sherri Moon that they sent that pump to me, Bill Tice, in March of
      2010; maybe they still have it in their records.. I may not have that file
      here with me onboard.

      Capt Bill Tice ,aboard s/v CHARISMA, 23*31.10N / 75*45.50W

      George Town, Bahamas

      In a message dated 1/31/2012 2:28:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

      Thanks, Bill.
      I called Atlantic Diesel and they asked me for a model# or DBA number that
      she said was on a tag or on the pump. I am not on the boat, but I am
      looking at a zoomed photo of the injector, and I see no such ID. Do you happen
      to have a copy of the injector model # or the DBA# (whatever that is).
      I would like to order one ahead of time before it blows out and then I
      don’t have anything.

      "People cannot discover new lands until they have the courage to lose
      sight of the shore."
      Andre Gide 1869-1951


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    • #78203

      I have an injector pump off a W58 if that will work for you.


      On 1/31/2012 1:05 PM, wrote:

      While I try to dig out that receipt you might try calling them back and
      mention to Sherri Moon that they sent that pump to me, Bill Tice, in March of
      2010; maybe they still have it in their records.. I may not have that file
      here with me onboard.

      Capt Bill Tice ,aboard s/v CHARISMA, 23*31.10N / 75*45.50W

      George Town, Bahamas

      In a message dated 1/31/2012 2:28:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

      Thanks, Bill.
      I called Atlantic Diesel and they asked me for a model# or DBA number that
      she said was on a tag or on the pump. I am not on the boat, but I am
      looking at a zoomed photo of the injector, and I see no such ID. Do you happen
      to have a copy of the injector model # or the DBA# (whatever that is).
      I would like to order one ahead of time before it blows out and then I
      don’t have anything.

      "People cannot discover new lands until they have the courage to lose
      sight of the shore."
      Andre Gide 1869-1951


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    • #78204

      Pete: I have no idea if the w58 I-pump will work on the w60. If it does, I’m interested. I guess somebody rebuilds them maybe?

      Bill: I will try to contact Sherri and see what she has. Thanks for the ideas.

    • #78205

      Maybe got to Thorsen or one of the other sites and check the part numbers.

      This W-58 pump was working fine when removed from service and has the
      fuel shut-off solenoid 9which sells for $400 all by itself – ridiculous…)


      On 1/31/2012 3:35 PM, cstewart wrote:

      Pete: I have no idea if the w58 I-pump will work on the w60. If it does, I’m interested. I guess somebody rebuilds them maybe?

      Bill: I will try to contact Sherri and see what she has. Thanks for the ideas.

      "People cannot discover new lands until they have the courage to lose sight of the shore."
      Andre Gide 1869-1951

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    • #78206

      They want $400 just for the fuel shutoff solenoid. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised considering the costs for other parts for the W58.

      Think I will ever want to buy another Westerbeke product (rhetorical question)?

    • #78207

      That’s why when it came time to rebuild, I got a Beta.

      On 1/31/2012 7:11 PM, skipmac wrote:

      They want $400 just for the fuel shutoff solenoid. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised considering the costs for other parts for the W58.

      Think I will ever want to buy another Westerbeke product (rhetorical question)?

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    • #78213

      When I had my W60, I checked the price on a new injector pump. At that time, it was several thousand. I don’t remember exactly how much, but I think it was about $4k from Hanson. Instead, I sent mine out to Boston Fuel Injection to have it rebuilt. The engine never ran well after the rebuild. This was one of the major reasons I repowered. If you can find a replacement pump for a few hundred, its a steal.


      Original Message

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    • #78215

      If (when?) I repower it will be with a Beta, unless they get the bugs and costs for electric sorted out before hand.

      Which Beta did you go with?


      @petedd wrote:

      That’s why when it came time to rebuild, I got a Beta.

      On 1/31/2012 7:11 PM, skipmac wrote:

      They want $400 just for the fuel shutoff solenoid. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised considering the costs for other parts for the W58.

      Think I will ever want to buy another Westerbeke product (rhetorical question)?

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    • #78216

      the 50. You only need about 36 HP to get the 424 up to hull speed even
      considering the losses through the tranny and prop.

      See the Blue Water Sailing articles on the engine selection and
      installation at my web site (follow liks to the
      boat page)

      Note in the article the special options I got to make it so much more
      perfect for the 424.


      On 2/1/2012 8:55 AM, skipmac wrote:

      If (when?) I repower it will be with a Beta, unless they get the bugs and costs for electric sorted out before hand.

      Which Beta did you go with?


      petedd wrote:

      That’s why when it came time to rebuild, I got a Beta.

      On 1/31/2012 7:11 PM, skipmac wrote:

      They want $400 just for the fuel shutoff solenoid. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised considering the costs for other parts for the W58.

      Think I will ever want to buy another Westerbeke product (rhetorical question)?

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    • #78218

      If your pump is seeping from the cover on top, just put in new seals. I bought the kit from somebody on ebay that included the paper gaskets, o-ring seal for the shutoff and throttle lever and a few other bits for about $20 including shipping. No more seeping.

      I think I searched on the model number and manufacturer information on the fuel pump plate. Searching on Westerbeke W60 will get you nowhere.

      Inside the cover is not all that scary. Just be super clean. The owners manual for the Thornycroft BMC 2500 (same BMC engine marinized by Thornycroft in the UK) has a much better description, but the gaskets came with good diagrams and instructions. That manual is available for download online.

    • #78219

      Walter: the seal kit you are talking about may be enough. The pump is working well, just beginning to seep fuel down the side. When I talked to the lady at TransAtlantic Diesel (Sherri Moon) that Bill Tice sent me to, she kinda suggested the same thing. She did not have in stock the model# that she sent to Bill in 2010. That number was DPA 3249F520, although, Bill, she seemed confused that it was for a Westerbeke 50?? She did say I could take it off and send it to her for a rebuild and that would take about 3 weeks.

      Bill, she said you paid $750 for the pump plus a $450 core, which you got back when you sent in the old. My fear in taking something apart for the first time is that parts, springs and gizmos start falling out and I’ll never get them back where they belong.

      I am still in the process of determining if the pump is the same on the W60 and W58 by going to Torresen as Pete suggested. To be continued.

    • #78220

      She was confused because they sent me a Perkins pump, not a Westerbeke.
      For some reason (and by his admission) Marcus, the owner, continues to think
      I have a Perkins. Sorry about the price confusion – it was the $450 core
      that stuck in my head. I returned the old pump once in VA and got my money

      Capt Bill Tice ,aboard s/v CHARISMA, 23*31.10N / 75*45.50W

      George Town, Bahamas

      In a message dated 2/1/2012 4:03:47 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

      Walter: the seal kit you are talking about may be enough. The pump is
      working well, just beginning to seep fuel down the side. When I talked to
      the lady at TransAtlantic Diesel (Sherri Moon) that Bill Tice sent me to, she
      kinda suggested the same thing. She did not have in stock the model# that
      she sent to Bill in 2010. That number was DPA 3249F520, although, Bill,
      she seemed confused that it was for a Westerbeke 50?? She did say I could
      take it off and send it to her for a rebuild and that would take about 3

      Bill, she said you paid $750 for the pump plus a $450 core, which you got
      back when you sent in the old. My fear in taking something apart for the
      first time is that parts, springs and gizmos start falling out and I’ll
      never get them back where they belong.

      I am still in the process of determining if the pump is the same on the
      W60 and W58 by going to Torresen as Pete suggested. To be continued.

      "People cannot discover new lands until they have the courage to lose
      sight of the shore."
      Andre Gide 1869-1951


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    • #78221

      The Westerbeke part# for a W-60 is 17942, as per the parts list.

      Capt Bill Tice ,aboard s/v CHARISMA, 23*31.10N / 75*45.50W

      George Town, Bahamas

      In a message dated 2/1/2012 2:42:16 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

      If your pump is seeping from the cover on top, just put in new seals. I
      bought the kit from somebody on ebay that included the paper gaskets, o-ring
      seal for the shutoff and throttle lever and a few other bits for about $20
      including shipping. No more seeping.

      I think I searched on the model number and manufacturer information on the
      fuel pump plate. Searching on Westerbeke W60 will get you nowhere.

      Inside the cover is not all that scary. Just be super clean. The owners
      manual for the Thornycroft BMC 2500 (same BMC engine marinized by Thornycroft
      in the UK) has a much better description, but the gaskets came with good
      diagrams and instructions. That manual is available for download online.

      SV Madness
      P424 Hull #1


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    • #78222

      If you take it apart and cannot put it back together, worst case is you have to get it rebuilt.

      Sounds like you might get it rebuilt to avoid the possibility that you might have to have it rebuilt!

      It isn’t all that hard to replace those seals.

    • #78240
      Chuck Ruble

      Charlie, any competent diesel shop can get you going again. We use Industrial Diesel in Norfolk for pumps and injectors. I strongly advise against opening the pump. It is a painfully expensive thing to replace and it about as close to sterile on the inside as you can get with something that is filled with fuel and oil.

      The pump along with most of the engine fuel piping has copper crush washers that should not be re-used and the pump has a bleed screw (faces the block, on the inside of the pump) that once over tightened will likely not seat anymore. Two possible leak sources.

      The pump probably does not need to be rebuilt but just overhauled, new gaskets, seals etc. It is lubricated with fuel and engine oil pressure so it probably isn’t worn out. What kills these is bad fuel. Injectors suffer will from this as well.

      Removing it can dick with your injector timing. Make sure you note the reference mark on the mounting flange and the engine timing gear plate and that it gets oriented that way when you put it back in. Don’t crank the engine while its out for a myriad of reasons.

      Are you sure its coming from the pump? The number one injector and or its plumbing would make this area wet.


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