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    • #68775

      I’ve not had much time on the water since my repower. To be honest the boat sat and rotted for a couple of years, but now I had the wood work damaged in Irene repaired and have a fresh bottom job, new shaft, cutlass bearing and PYI shaft seal. When I was bringing the boat home I was racing a thunder storm to the slip. After a particularly sharp bolt landed nearby I pushed the throttle up to 2200 RPMs. Normally I cruise at 1900. I know that I am pushing 8.5 at 1900. I had no instruments on the boat for the short trip home from the yard but at 2200 the bow wave was about 18″ high and breaking off each side of the boat with about a 2′ wake following. I have never seen more than a ripple for a wake before and I can’t wait to see what the speed is. I know that it’s a sailboat but after all the time and money I spent on the motor it’s nice to see that it has added a good bit of power. The wake was probably the result of the boat sinking down as I got over hull speed but now maybe I can wake some of the power boat guys if I can catch them on a slick day.


    • #80032

      Hey Linus,

      8.5 knots at 1900 RPM? Man, what do you have under the hood, 150 HP?


      Silverheels, P-424 #17


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    • #80033

      It’s that Cummins I cut almost 45 min off the trip from Oriental to Beaufort. May have had some help from the current but I did it on north and south trips? Faulty gps you think maybe too many adult beverages I don’t know for sure but the dream lives on

      Live by the currents, plan by the tides and follow the sun

      On Aug 22, 2013, at 5:14 PM, “Silverheels” wrote:

      Hey Linus,

      8.5 knots at 1900 RPM? Man, what do you have under the hood, 150 HP?


      Silverheels, P-424 #17


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    • #80034

      I’m overpowered too. It’s nice to have extra power available. I can run at hull speed with the throttle half-way up and the engine purring. I don’t think you were hitting 8.5 unless you had current however. The best I can get is about 7.8 kts under full power with no current, 1500 RPM at the shaft. This throws quite a wake behind the boat and the stern wave runs about half-way up the transom. Fuel consumption is probably around 4 gal/hr at this speed. I have no way to compute this but this is what the engine is spec’d to consume at full power.

      Under sail, I think I can do a bit better than 7.8 under ideal circumstances. I don’t know why, perhaps the boat heels a bit or doesn’t squat so much.

      My boat will run at about 7 kts through-the-water with little effort. This is my normal cruising speed with the shaft turning about 1100 RPM (engine 2800). I can run the throttle up a bit more and cruise at 7.3kts but the noise from the engine becomes a bit more annoying and I think my fuel consumption goes up to over 1gal/hr. That’s about 1250 RPM for the shaft. This is the point of dramatically diminishing returns.


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