Forums General Discussion V drive blues

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    • #168170
      Jack Clarke

      Hello Everyone,

      Thanks for all the info and help with my V drive troubles.

      I got in touch with a highly recommended local mechanic in Portsmouth, Dominica.  He came out to look at the beast and before you know it, we had it out in two hours.  He then took it ashore to see what the problem was and the phoned me back about five hours later and said it was fixed.  He had taken it apart and found that it was the main bearing right in front of the input shaft, everything else was OK.  It took us about five hours to re-install it.  We did a short test drive and all looks good.
      We left Dominica on Saturday morning for Nevis And had light winds and ended up motoring for about 111/2 hours and still OK so far.

      Thanks to all

      Xanadu IV

    • #169640

      I love to hear that kind of story. I love it when a plan works out better than you expected…especially when you are far from home-port.

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