Forums Announcements Transmission on a westerbeke 58

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    • #225424
      Rock Richardson

      Can anyone tell me the transmission for a westerbeke 58, can’t read any info on the transmission. Thinking of replacing the engine with a beta marine. Also the owners manual says westerbeke 60 but the engine says westerbeke 58 On the cooling box ?

      1981 Pearson 424

    • #225425
      Bryan Bywalec

      My W58 has a 1:1 Borg Warner Velvet Drive model number 10-17-004. The W58 tech manual lists two other transmissions. It is hydraulic so there is a distinctive oil cooler for the transmission as shown on page 35 of the install manual.

      Click to access installation_manual.pdf

      Do you have a picture of the engine you could share?

      Bryan Bywalec
      S/V Pelican, Hull 209
      Siren Engineering, LLC

    • #225426

      The original engine has probably been replaced with the W58.

      Here are my notes from when I repowered


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