Forums › Announcements › Supporting our Community
- This topic has 34 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 12 months ago by
Site Administrator.
March 7, 2017 at 1:16 pm #222755
Site Administrator
KeymasterFellow P424 Aficionados,
It is not without a great deal of thought that I write this note, but I feel that this might be the right time for it (given the degree to which the site has stabilized of late). YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary). We’re experiencing some ownership transitions, and for those that are giving up their beloved vessels to the next generation of owners, I salute your stewardship. Thank you for all you have shared with us, and for preserving your Pearson’s for their new owners! I wish you all speedy sales to good people (who we will welcome here!)
On to business:
After all of our development, bug fixes, etc, our site does cost money, around $25 per month for hosting (all that email!!) and around $100 to keep our developer on hand in case anything comes up (and it has, in spades, from time-to-time). So all told, about $1300 a year or so.
At this point, the ongoing costs of the site fall on me (barring $10 a month from one owner who has set up a PayPal subscription), and I would like to ask you to consider contributing to this cost. While I am not asking for a handout, I am asking for you to consider the value you receive from the site. The donate button is on the header of the site. I also want to make clear that this is optional and anonymous.
I’d like to thank you all for making this such a useful site. It is an honor and a privilege to serve you all. As always, I welcome suggestions as to how we can improve our community.
Fair winds _/)
Site AdminPS: This is the only request of this kind I am going to make this year!
Admin | -
March 7, 2017 at 4:35 pm #222758
Christian Olsen
ParticipantTouching, but you didn’t mention the multiple sailboat insurance companies you sold my email address to in your plea for money. While I have absolutely no problem donating to a worthy cause, I’m troubled that you right after you reached around and sold my information, you can, metaphorically speaking, have the gall to look me in the face and ask for money.Chris Olsen -
March 7, 2017 at 4:48 pm #222759
We have never, ever, sold any customer information.Period.We never, ever will.I am curious where you obtained this information – Iâd be happy to help investigate what happened. We have always been community supported and your information is supposed to be safe within our group.EwanWe never will. We are a
March 7, 2017 at 5:04 pm #222760
Christian believes that his information has been sold to insurance companies.If anyone here feels that this has happened, please respond to this email. We have not, nor will we ever sell or give our member information to anyone, for any purpose.It would be really good to get to the bottom of this.Site Admin -
March 7, 2017 at 5:22 pm #222764
That’s a pretty severe accusation. Ewan has busted his butt and his wallet for all of us for a long time, now. Unless you have incontrovertible proof that he sold your email address for profit, you owe him an apology – and also your fair-share contribution towards the costs of the website and forum, along with everyone else reading this.
So, what proof do you have that he sold your email address? (Hint: Getting spammed at does not constitute proof of collusion, only of hacking.)
March 7, 2017 at 5:53 pm #222765
ParticipantI have not received any unusual emails that would indicate that the mailing
list was ever sold.Rudy JanisNakedmoonIn a message dated 3/7/2017 5:02:13 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:All,
Christian believes that his information has been sold to insurance
companies.If anyone here feels that this has happened, please respond to this
email. We have not, nor will we ever sell or give our member information to
anyone, for any purpose.It would be really good to get to the bottom of this.Site Admin -
March 7, 2017 at 5:57 pm #222766
ParticipantNo one has tried to sell me insurance, and i am sure my email address gives no suggestion to location… its not a Welsh thing!!!In fact, i am almost offended that no one feels the worth in insuring my Pearson 424….i just cleaned it too!!My junk mail continues to be offers to increase my sexual performance and the size of my love length but once i have told my mother to stop worrying about me that mail bag should reduce in size…Happy days. -
March 7, 2017 at 6:30 pm #222767
ParticipantI have not received any solicitations related to boat insurance.RickEclipse -
March 7, 2017 at 6:45 pm #222768
ParticipantWhoaaa there. That’s a bit of a loose canon on deck.Admin,Count on me for another donation.Roger
March 7, 2017 at 7:21 pm #222769
ModeratorHoly smokes, that's funny! -
March 7, 2017 at 7:49 pm #222777
dale l
ParticipantI have several email accounts and only use this address for the group mail. I have never received anything other then group messages. It is completely spam free. Had the information been shared I would know something had happened.Dale Longtin
Follow us at -
March 7, 2017 at 7:54 pm #222779
Ryan Doyle
ParticipantYowza! Donation made, Ewan.I get like 60 spam emails a day. In the extremely unlikely event Ewan is actually making money selling my email address 1) God bless him and 2) who cares?Like death and taxes email spam is inevitable – and far less annoying 🙂 -
March 7, 2017 at 9:06 pm #222785
You dawg. I guess this explains that new Cadillac. My donation is forthcomingâ¦
No cheap insurance offers here. Thank you for all your efforts. You are most appreciated by myself and Iâm sure most others on this site.
Blue Moon
March 7, 2017 at 9:13 pm #222788
ParticipantPS: Please let us know if you come up short.
March 7, 2017 at 10:06 pm #222791
ParticipantA few closing comments:
– Since I have my own domain, I can (and do) set up exclusive email addresses for all kinds of things. My address here,, is unique to this group. No one else has ever seen it outside of this group. If it were compromised, I’d know in an instant that the 424 database had been hacked – or that one of you owners was peddling our emails 😉 Obviously, knowing Ewan, I’d never consider any other possibility. Anyway, I can say absolutely my email address has been safe here.
– Juniper83, if you’re getting that many spam emails, plunk down $30 a year for SpamArrest. I used to get up to 400 spams a day (!). I signed up with them and the spam dropped to less than 1 a month.
– Regarding you all supporting this forum, Ewan, you’re way too nice. Me, I’m naturally cantankerous when I feel it’s warranted. I tried to help you with this issue a couple of years ago, a few sensitive children here were offended, and you backed off and have been carrying the full burden ever since. Now, I’m outta’ here soon, so it’s not my problem anymore, but all of you who will continue to own 424’s and to benefit from this great forum, shame on you for leaving it all on this one, way-too-nice guy. And kudos to those of you who have stepped up to the plate.
And that’s all I’ll say about that. For now.
Good luck,
March 7, 2017 at 10:13 pm #222792
Janie Ashworth
ParticipantWe have gotten no adds from insurance companies that I know of. I will keep an eye out. -
March 8, 2017 at 12:16 am #222793
Ryan Doyle
ParticipantTor,Thanks so much. I should clarify that I was describing the number of promotional emails I get (like the insurance promotions mentioned).As far as actual spam (IE emails about large Swiss bank accounts that I have been found to be a benefactor of, ads for online pharmacies selling viagra, etc) I get very little of that. Gmail actually does a great job identifying and weeding out real spam and even places promotional emails in a separate folder.My point was just that unwanted emails (promotional or spam) are quite common these days, and determining how a company or spam server got your email can be extremely difficult if not impossible.While I’ve only posted a few times on here, I highly value this website and community and I can absolutely be counted on for its continued support. -
March 8, 2017 at 1:46 am #222794
Gary Moates
ParticipantHave not received any boat insurance e-mail solicitations.Gary MoatesS/V JB Moates -
March 8, 2017 at 9:27 am #222802
ParticipantHello all,I find the information on the website to very valuable. It helps me solve problems on my P424 and also gives me lots of ideas to modify my boat ( a boat I have owned for 24 years. I would like to donate but (call me old fashioned) I am not a great fan of giving out credit card numbers on the internet. For myself and others who might feel the same… is there a snail mail address where I could mail a donation?? ThanksBobFolly II, P424 #131 -
March 8, 2017 at 9:51 am #222804
ParticipantI have received no spam that I can trace back to the 424 mail list. I recently had an issue with a virus on my machine that caused me to go down a rabbit-hole. Iâm very careful when browsing but still somehow got one. I updated my virus protection and ran into a compatibility problem with acrobat reader that caused my machine to run slowly and crash regularly. After weeks of trying different virus protection packages I finally tossed Acrobat Reader and installed a substitute. All is well now. I guess the moral here is that no matter how knowledgeable and careful we are, we can get a virus. If any one of us gets a virus it is possible for our email contacts to be stolen and distributed. Since several of us have reported no spam issues, I doubt the 424 mailing list is the culprit.
March 8, 2017 at 10:37 am #222805
Christian Olsen
ParticipantIf no one else on the site has experienced these issues then I must apologize. I haven’t given this email address to anyone nautically minded in quite some months. Then to receive three unsolicited boat insurance pitches, Global Marine, BoatUS and United Marine, in the few days between giving my information and waiting for approval from the admin, seemed highly suspicious to me. Again, it appears this situation appears to be an issue only with my email address and I unfairly jumped to a conclusion. My apologies.
ChristianChris Olsen -
March 8, 2017 at 10:41 am #222806
Mark Oppe
ParticipantI’ve not received any spam from having my address on the Pearson site.CheersMark
SV Mary Murray Pearson 424 #164Mark Oppe
March 8, 2017 at 10:46 am #222807
ParticipantChristian,Apology accepted. Welcome to the community. You’ll find we’re a sometimes curmudgeonly, but good-natured and very helpful crew. More years and sea miles than I can count, for sure.I hope you find great value here!Ewan -
March 8, 2017 at 11:03 am #222808
Participant -
March 8, 2017 at 2:32 pm #222820
ParticipantChris,Perhaps this link is informative about gmail does scanning of email for targeted advertising. But if you are concerned about ads, perhaps use a different email provider than gmail is advisable. Same thing for goes for yahoo email as well, I think.,
Tim CrowePearson 422Alameda, Ca. -
March 8, 2017 at 3:01 pm #222822
Site Administrator
KeymasterThank you everyone for your support and words of encouragement. I appreciate very much the enthusiasm we have for our community, and the passion we have for our venerable good old boats.
I am interested in organizing a Summer meet up or two, possibly East Coast and West Coast locations. I will send out an announcement to gauge interest shortly.
Once again, thank you for making this such a positive, helpful and engaged community.
Site Admin
Admin | -
March 8, 2017 at 7:31 pm #222824
Christian Olsen
ParticipantThanks Tim. I applied to the site. While waiting for approval, I began receiving boat targeted advertisements then one of the first official emails I received was a plea for funds. Me being in the tail end of a migraine, I jumped to the wrong conclusion.Christian -
March 9, 2017 at 5:18 pm #222828
Site Administrator
KeymasterDear friends!
Thank you to the 13 generous people who have contributed so far – I will be removing the PayPal button on Sunday this weekend, so this is your last opportunity to support the site this year. Any support is greatly appreciated.
Once again, no obligation. If you find this useful and can spare a contribution, go for it.
For those who are wanting a mailing address to mail a check, please contact me on
Site Admin
Admin | -
March 9, 2017 at 5:22 pm #222829
ModeratorWhy are you removing the button? Leave it there. -
March 9, 2017 at 5:48 pm #222832
ParticipantFewer pixels focused on the site – more on the useful content!Site Admin.Sent from my iPad -
March 9, 2017 at 6:47 pm #222834
Participantthen create a donate page ….p -
March 9, 2017 at 7:37 pm #222836
Idyll Ours
ParticipantHello fellow 424 followers, I appreciate all the great info everyone shares as well as all the work required to manage the site to make it all possible, donation complete for 2017.
Thanks,Idyll Ours
March 9, 2017 at 8:32 pm #222840
ParticipantâMOJOâ in Oriental.NC donation made to PaypalBest / Jack CoulterCalico Jack
March 9, 2017 at 9:17 pm #222841
Participant -
March 12, 2017 at 8:04 pm #222866
Site Administrator
Thanks to the 20 folks who have contributed (one twice). It’s much appreciated!
I’ll leave the donate button on the about page. It will come off the main header when I get to a computer shortly.
Thanks again for al of your support!
Site Admin
Admin |
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