Forums General Discussion Sarns Machine Prop lock


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    • #225998
      Eduardo Acosta

      I know this subject hasn’t been touched since 2017 but does anybody out there still have the Sarns Machine prop lock by any chance ?

      I don’t think mine is working at all the hydraulic lines are connected and the pads look pretty good but the piston does not seem to actuate so just wondering if it is worth working on it or just remove the whole thing.

      Lastly I read online Borg updated their recommendation and said that the shaft turning in less than 10Kt should not damage the Velvet transmission is that true ?

      TIA for any feedback

      SV Evergreen

    • #225999

      There’s not much to the actuator. It’s activated by oil pressure through the hoses. If you have oil pressure, it should disengage.
      Replacement pads are identified here somewhere.

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