Forums General Discussion Rudder Packing Gland concerns

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    • #226320

      Good morning 424ers,
      I’m having some concerns about my rudder packing gland, after I noticed a tiny amount of water coming from the top of the gland (maybe a drop every 10 or 20 seconds) where the rudder shaft comes out.

      I’m wondering a few things:
      1) Do I need to tighten the gland? Is it a concern to have a tiny amount of water coming out?? For all I know, it’s been this way for a long time. And, after not adjusting it for a decade, I’m a little worried, I could make it worse by adjusting it.
      2) Can someone tell me about the nut configuration? I believe it’s the “packing nut” on top and the “lock nut” below… but I’m not sure. Any insight on the process would be appreciated.
      3) Does a small leak mean (or require) that I redo the packing material? Or is this really just an adjustment/tightening of the nut??

      I appreciate your help. Thanks.

    • #226321

      ALSO – if anyone can tell me the exact packing material size/composition, I’d be very grateful.

    • #226322

      I wish I could offer more direct experience, but have never messed with this packing gland, though I’ve worried about the day I once need to. I have, however, worked on the propeller shaft gland. I’ve both tightened it and replaced the packing material (while in the water). I looks the same or similar to the rudder shaft packing gland, so I assume it’s the same.

      I think I’d start out trying to tighten the packing gland top nut. That could very well solve the leak. Obviously, this packing gland doesn’t get the same wear as the prop shaft gland. If you have to change the packing, I think that should be possible while the vessel is in the water. I don’t know the size of the packing, but will check my boat records later today to see what size I used for the prop shaft packing gland (if I recorded it). I don’t think you should be getting any leakage from the rudder packing gland however. Should be addressed, in my view.

      Blue Moon, #189

    • #226323

      I used 1/4″ PTFE flax packing. And per my notes, I used packing grease. Again, this was for the prop shaft stuffing box. Don’t know if it’s the same size for the rudder shaft packing.


    • #226344

      I do believe the rudder packing gland is the same style and ?size as the shaft packing gland. When I first bought my P424 (31 yrs ago!) I noted a moderate leak but only under power with moderate speed. The gland is above the waterline at the dock but submerges under power load. I struggled to reach it and actually replaced the packing at the dock with no leaks. If I ever do it again I’d probably apply some packing grease as well. Good luck!!

      Folly II, #131

      • #226345

        Thanks Bob and David.

        Bob, can you recall the packing material/size you used when repacking the rudder post? Also, did you do 2 “loops” of packing or 3?

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