Forums For Sale Repowering–W60 stuff for sale

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    • #224532
      David Siegel

      Hi all,

      We are repowering our 424 and are interested in getting something out of the working W60 we are replacing. In addition to the engine with all its parts, we have a collection of many spares, including:

      Intake/ Exhaust Manifold
      Heat Exchanger
      Compressor Shaft Seal Kit (new)
      Compressor mounting bracket
      Compressor Belts (new)
      Raw Water Pump (with new impeller installed)
      Raw Water Pump Impeller Kit (new)
      Raw water Pump Belt (new)
      Thermostats (new – about three)
      Thermostat Housing with Sensor
      Propeller Shaft Brake Assembly
      Alternator Belts (new) Voltage Regulator
      Balmar Alternator Offshore Repair Kit (new)
      Single Output Alternator and Regulator
      Starter Fuel Injectors
      Fuel Distribution Pipes
      Oil Coolers (2)

      If you are interested let me know.


      2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #224541
      Adam Silverstein

      I could use the Raw water Pump stuff. And maybe a spare thermostat. Lemme know if you still gots.

    • #224550
      Adam Silverstein


      • #224580
        David Siegel

        Hi Adam,

        Just want to make sure you know that I did finally see your message. Let me know if you are still interested.


    • #224570
      David Siegel

      Hi Adam,

      Sorry I missed this. Yes, I still have that stuff? Are you still interested?


    • #224572
      Nate Worthington

      I would definitely be interested in the exhaust manifold and possibly alternator.

      • #224581
        David Siegel

        I have to check on the alternator I listed in the original email. I took that list from the one the PO gave me. But I am not sure I have seen the spare that’s listed. However, there is a 100 AMP alternator on the engine. If you are interested, in that one, let me know. I do have the spare manifold. The engine and equipment are currently in Nova Scotia. What’s the best way to contact you?

    • #224582
      Nate Worthington

      Shoot me an email, at and ill get you a phone number or a direct messenger, and im definitely interested in the 100 amp currently on the engine.
      Thank you so much

    • #224593

      I need a fresh water pump. My email address is walterpiescik{at}

      Maybe a heat exchanger too. Are you replacing your transmission?

    • #225239
      Tom Walters

      Looking for prop shaft break. Any chance it is still available.

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