Forums General Discussion Repower of Vagari with Electric Engine

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    • #224419

      Hello All,

      My partner and I have been completely refitting Hull#78 (sloop) over the past 6 months and are now getting ready to Repower. We were fortunate enough to pick up Ewan’s new but not yet installed Electric Yacht QT20. I have heard that there are at least who people who have Repowered their 424’s with the same engine. I have browsed the topics and can find some bits and pieces but was wondering if either of the others (Dan K and Evan -Revery) had any more detailed thoughts to share or could point me to a post I might have missed. If anyone else has thoughts or advice, happy to listen. Also, am committing to documenting this project and adding it to the project database on the site.

      The basic of the system are/will be:

      8kw electric engine that will mount in the existing v drive
      4.5kw genset aboard
      Planning 560 amp hour (@48volt) battery bank
      1200 Watt solar (to be installed)
      400 watt wind gen.

      Thank you all and looking forward to this one.

    • #224420

      Keith and Becca,

      You’re correct that Revery was repowered with the exact system you purchased from Ewan. I’d be glad to pass along my lessons learned and some recommendations re: ancillary equipment.
      We’re very happy with the system so far. It definitely changes the way you can use the boat (no long ICW trips for instance), but not drastically. You just need to manage expectations.
      I plan on writing up the installation, but I haven’t yet found the time since we’ve moved on to other refit projects. Maybe while we’re in the Bahamas this winter…

      If you’d like, shoot me an email at hedonisticvalues at gmail and we can set up a time to chat.

      Revery #219

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