Forums General Discussion Rendezvous notes

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    • #67095

      well, it looks like we’ll dodge the worst of a tropical storm then it will be clear sailing for those coming down from Buzzards Bay area.

      I will be on scene Friday am and will look to see if any others are anchored, or if not I will drop a hook and get ready. I will be coming to my marina on Thurs. nite late.

      Dinghy dock is ready for us and we are all good to go.

      Bring down all kinds of questions and answers with you–

      As for the EH Town Police, Thatcher is correct in saying they are prone to enforcement, but I’ve never had an incident with them in the 28 years I’ve been in this harbor. They do tend to harp on the rules, especially where dinks are concerned, so have your paperwork, flares, pfds and a whistle and you have nothing to worry about (and a light at night). There is a speed/water ski area at the very western side of the harbor, so if anyone has a fast inflatable that is where to use it. Otherwise keep speed to no wake while operating between our anchorage and the marina.

      I will bring blank name tags so we can get to know eachother easily. Also, please let the group know if you are bringing kids, and their ages. My 2 kids are 15 yr old boy and 17 yr old girl. They are looking forward to meeting other kids in the group.

      See you all at the end of the week– remember channel 73 and hail ” Pearson Raft” when calling. Safe passage!

      Rodd Leeds

      Post generated from Pearson424 Forum using Mail2Forum

    • #70354

      I have previously not put my name on the list as
      attending for a number of reasons, all of which have
      been settled. So, I will be attending – sans boat.
      My S.O. (Beckie) and I will be arriving by car on
      Saturday morning and will be staying on Rich Carter’s
      boat Saturday evening.
      We plan on attending the BBQ. I guess we just need a
      dish to pass and somethng to burn.
      Is there anything else you might think we need to
      bring, besides the usual and PFD’s?

      alan & Beckie

      — Rodd Leeds <> wrote:

      well, it looks like we’ll dodge the worst of a
      tropical storm then it will be clear sailing for
      those coming down from Buzzards Bay area.

      I will be on scene Friday am and will look to see if
      any others are anchored, or if not I will drop a
      hook and get ready. I will be coming to my marina
      on Thurs. nite late.

      Dinghy dock is ready for us and we are all good to

      Bring down all kinds of questions and answers with

      As for the EH Town Police, Thatcher is correct in
      saying they are prone to enforcement, but I’ve never
      had an incident with them in the 28 years I’ve been
      in this harbor. They do tend to harp on the rules,
      especially where dinks are concerned, so have your
      paperwork, flares, pfds and a whistle and you have
      nothing to worry about (and a light at night).
      There is a speed/water ski area at the very western
      side of the harbor, so if anyone has a fast
      inflatable that is where to use it. Otherwise keep
      speed to no wake while operating between our
      anchorage and the marina.

      I will bring blank name tags so we can get to know
      eachother easily. Also, please let the group know
      if you are bringing kids, and their ages. My 2 kids
      are 15 yr old boy and 17 yr old girl. They are
      looking forward to meeting other kids in the group.

      See you all at the end of the week– remember
      channel 73 and hail ” Pearson Raft” when calling.
      Safe passage!

      Rodd Leeds

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    • #70355


      Glad you and Becky are attending! I would suggest a cooler with food and
      you should be good to go! You might want to bring some photos of your boat
      and any projects you have done and care to discuss. I also suggest some
      rain gear just in case we get a quick shower!

      Drive right to MAidstone Harbor MArina and call the raft for pick up.


      Original Message

      <.. snip>

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    • #70356

      PS Make sure your boat and dinghy registrations are on your vessel.

      I guess I am just a troublemaker. I know all the marine police.

      <.. snip>

      Post generated from Pearson424 Forum using Mail2Forum

    • #70357

      My documentation is on the vessel – I haven't determined what state to register in yet.


      On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 5:01 AM, Thatcher Stone < ([email][/email])> wrote:

      PS Make sure your boat and dinghy registrations are on your vessel.

      I guess I am just a troublemaker. I know all the marine police.

      <.. snip>

      Post generated from Pearson424 Forum using Mail2Forum

    • #70358

      If you are NOT in NY then you are OK. If they stop you and your Document shows a NY address you are in for an extended visit.

      <.. snip>

      Post generated from Pearson424 Forum using Mail2Forum

    • #70359
      Adam Silverstein

      why is that? we are only there for a few days. plus you noted the e’hampton sea swine need probable cause or a warrant to board. do they have jurisdiction regarding tax stamps?

      -Adam Silverstein-iPhone (“trust everyone but cut the cards”)

      On Jul 22, 2008, at 8:27 AM, “Thatcher Stone” <()> wrote:

      If you are NOT in NY then you are OK. If they stop you and your Document shows a NY address you are in for an extended visit.

      <.. snip>

      Post generated from Pearson424 Forum using Mail2Forum

    • #70360


      Maybe I wasn’t clear. If you have a documented vessel (IE, documented with the Coast Guard and have an official number) NY says you still have to register your boat in NY. If you have a documented vessel and the address shows RI, they won’t care. Or any other State. But if it shows NY and you are not registered in NY it’s a citation and a lot of paperwork. This is how they make sure they collect the sales tax and the use tax.

      Best to you.

      <.. snip>

      Post generated from Pearson424 Forum using Mail2Forum

    • #70361

      I'd agree with that, but the town of East Hampton (or whomever) doesn't get any specific benefit from the citation, except, of course, the irritation factor and the amount for the citation. I suppose I'll do whatever is necessary.

      Anyway, will see you there, swine-ish police or not.


      On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 6:16 AM, Thatcher Stone < ([email][/email])> wrote:


      Maybe I wasn’t clear. If you have a documented vessel (IE, documented with the Coast Guard and have an official number) NY says you still have to register your boat in NY. If you have a documented vessel and the address shows RI, they won’t care. Or any other State. But if it shows NY and you are not registered in NY it’s a citation and a lot of paperwork. This is how they make sure they collect the sales tax and the use tax.

      Best to you.

      <.. snip>

      Post generated from Pearson424 Forum using Mail2Forum

    • #70362

      Only if you keep the boat in NY for 90 contigious
      days. then you have to have it registered in NY and of
      course pay t he tax….

      I believe

      — Thatcher Stone <> wrote:


      Maybe I wasn’t clear. If you have a documented
      vessel (IE, documented with
      the Coast Guard and have an official number) NY says
      you still have to
      register your boat in NY. If you have a documented
      vessel and the address
      shows RI, they won’t care. Or any other State. But
      if it shows NY and you
      are not registered in NY it’s a citation and a lot
      of paperwork. This is how
      they make sure they collect the sales tax and the
      use tax.

      Best to you.

      <.. snip>

      Post generated from Pearson424 Forum using Mail2Forum

    • #70364

      If you live in ny and documentthe boat with a ny address you must pay the tax even ifits in hawaii.

      Thatcher A. Stone
      via T-Mobile

      Original Message

      <.. snip>

      Post generated from Pearson424 Forum using Mail2Forum

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