Forums General Discussion Rendezvous at Three Mile Harbor-26 July

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    • #66931

      Let’s make the 26 July date firm. As to how many days this event should last, I think the weekend,ie arrival on Friday, and departure on Sunday might be the way to go. If anyone feels that they want to stay longer, or arrive earlier, that’s fine too. As mentioned the anchorage is excellent– shallow with excellent holding. I checked with the Harbormaster and there is no limit on raft size, so we can do whatever we feel is best.

      As mentioned earlier, getting into the harbor is relatively straight forward provided you don’t turn west too early. There is a bar that runs along the channel on the west side, and you must proceed far enough south before turning into the anchorage. It’s all sand, but you can get hung up.

      What I was thinking was that we could do one night’s dinner at a restaurant, and one night at a barbecue in one of the marinas. I will check at my marina, Maidstone Harbor, and Thatcher Stone offered to check at East Hampton point as well. I figured Friday for the restaurant and Sat for the BBQ. How does the group feel about that?

      It should be a great weekend with the opportunity to meet one another and visit many sisterhips to see what others have done to their 424’s.

      Why don’t we use channel 73 as our rendezvous channel.

      More info as we get closer!

      Right now I have the following boats as either definite, or possibility:

      Tor- mid August if at all
      Rich Carter-yes
      Bob Fine- any weekend
      Don Barbor-This is it- Mystic-his daughter, one of her friends, plus a date?
      Norris Larson and Janet on Easy Reach-from Maine
      Adam MacNeil- end of July-large crew with kids
      David Thompson- yes if boat is ready by then
      Thatcher Stone
      Rodd Leeds
      So, it looks like we’ll have 7 or 8 boats at the minimum. Hope everyone can make it– should be a fun time!

      Rodd Leeds

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    • #70267

      Madness will be coming to Three mile harbor with 4-5 aboard. I was able to re-schedule an orientation sail for our Caribbean trip.

    • #70271

      ok Walter- where are you coming from?

      Looks like we will have about 8-10 boats scheduled for the rendezvous! I am getting some pricing on a per person sit down dinner from 2 local restaurants. That would be for Saturday eve., and I will see about a bbq for the second night, or we could have a pot luck dinner out on the boats if that is what most would prefer.

      Please let me know your preferences for the Friday night dinner (shoreside bbq, or dinner aboard boats)



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    • #70272

      Unless there is an unusual eatery that has good food and modest prices, I’d rather avoid the local restaurants in preference to a BBQ or pot-luck. While some might enjoy eating out, I usually find this kind of thing to be noisy and expensive. Tables are always setup to crowd us together with no elbow room. Food and drink is usually very expensive and rarely as good as what can be whipped up onboard. If there is an area that we can find with tables and a BBQ, I’d prefer that route. If there’s enough interest in eating out, maybe some can go that route and others can fend for themselves. If it turns out that I’m eating alone, I’ll tag along to be friendly.

      I’m leaving two weeks from today. Please send us instructions for precisely when and where to meet before then. Also, please give is a VHF channel or cell-number to coordinate our arrival.

      My cellnumber is below.

      Rich Carter – 603-493-3330

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    • #70280

      This comment needs one correction. East Hampton has some of the best
      restaurants in LI and in the NY tri state area (ergo, the world) because of
      the local clientele. Although we have a BBQ grill and cookout request
      pending with East Hampton Point, it (EHP) has been consistently rated as one
      of the best restaurants in LI to which I can attest, and while not
      expensive, isn’t a sub shop, either. There is a restaurant at Rodd’s Marina
      which I tried last week for the first time, next to EHP but on the road, not
      the water, and while it has NY-Hamptons pricing, was FABULOUS. Finally, the
      Village is filled with top quality restaurants like Nick & Toni’s, Della
      Famina and numerous others. Even food shopping is elegant at Citarella. This
      is not your Mother’s beach town or harbor. In terms of creature comforts and
      especially food, there is no beach town like East Hampton except maybe in
      Monaco or on the Riviera. Many Europeans come to E Hampton because while
      elegant it is less showy and less crowded than Cap Ferrat or Capri.

      If someone can “whip up on board” the quality of food presented in these
      eateries then I guess we have some Michelin starred chefs in our midst. If
      however it is not quality but cost that is an issue, that I can understand.
      I’m exploring and working for a low cost alternative at EHP.

      In addition, at the North end of the harbor adjacent to the entrance but
      across the bar is a sandy beach where we may get a permit to have a cookout.
      This would be a 60 second dink from the anchorage. I’ll let you know.

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    • #70283

      Easy Reach votes with Rich Carter. An onshore gathering outside allows people to circulate and talk to everyone who shows up. In a banquet room, one is usually confined to conversations with the person next to them at a table. Talk across a table is usually impossible because of the noise and bustle of servers bringing food and clearing tables.

      Norris and Janet Larson, #206. (cell) 773-458-5966.

      — On Thu, 7/3/08, <> wrote:

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