Seriously though, folks… I was only suggesting that if LPG can be used safely on board for one purpose, it can be used safely on board for another. As for alcohol stoves, I believe their single big advantage is that the flame can be put out with water if it gets out of hand. That’s why all the VI charger boats used to install them for the bare boaters. However, the alcohol burners are two-stage – you have to preheat them as with the old kerosene stoves – and then the alcohol flame itself is notoriously cool. That is, it takes longer to heat things up than LPG or kerosene. Alcohol cooking fuel’s most damning characteristic, though, is that the smell of it was (last time I checked) the only thing I’ve encountered that can make me feel downright queasy in rough weather.
Silver Heels, P-424 #17
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