Forums General Discussion Propane Tank Recertification


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    • #225963

      My propane tanks we getting a bit rusty so I thought i needed to see if they required any recertification to refill.
      It turns out they do..
      10 years from the date of manufacture and every 5 or 10 thereafter depending on the type of recertification that was done..
      Without recertification they are not supposed to be refiled.
      I have attache a pdf here that is the official page from the Transportation department..
      It also shows includes the marking information required for each tank and how to read it.
      Hope this answers any questions.
      S/V Mela

      S/V Mela

      1. DOT-propane_en_v3.pdf

    • #225965
      Idyll Ours

      Please post if you find a place to do that, I tried in Ontario and over in Michigan but they said the replacement valves were not available.

      Jim Sanger SV Idyll Ours

    • #225966

      Replacement valves are available on Amazon. Worthington 6lb 1410-0006 Vertical Aluminum Propane Tank Valve DOT 240 LPG OPD
      My tanks are aluminum. They don’t rust, thought they are subject to the same inspection laws. Are you sure yours are standard 6lb aluminum tanks?

    • #225967
      john stevenson

      All of us had to replace our valves back in the 2000s.. The valves (of which I was aware at that time) that didn’t require replacement were those for horizontal tanks. I assume by now valves are available for horizontal tanks. The valve replacement was a one-time issue (to prevent accidental over filling the tanks). Periodic re-certification is an ongoing requirement. There is a limit on the age at which the tanks can be re-certified, but I don’t remember what that limit is. I suspect that is the issue Idyllours is up against. There have also been issues with fiberglass tanks. It can be difficult to find a re-certification for aluminum and steel tanks. I was able to find a gas grill retailer who could get it done. Others have been able to get it done at scuba shops.


    • #225968
      Idyll Ours

      Thanks so much for the information, I do have the original aluminum tanks, I’ll be ordering two of those replacement valves. I’m confident I can convince my local LPG service provider to provide certification if I provide him the new valves and he performs the hydro test and performs the valve replacement. I was not looking forward to the work required to modify storage locker for different storage tanks.

      Jim Sanger SV Idyll Ours

    • #225969

      I had two original aluminum tanks that I tried to recertify after the valve type changed many years ago. I was unable to find valves that fit the 6lb tank at the time. I bought replacement tanks ($$). I tried again last summer to get them serviced, bringing them in along with a few 20 lb tanks used for my grill. My gas company serviced the 20 lb tanks, though for what it cost to reinspect, I could have almost bought new tanks. Once again, they couldn’t find valves for the 6 lb tanks so I discarded them.
      I converted my boat gas grill to use the onboard gas, installing pipes, hoses, and valves to do the conversion. No more green bottles but I’ll be going through more 6 lb tanks. I wish I had a spare to swap out. I looked on Amazon for a spare 6 lb bottle and found replacement valves a few weeks ago. I was kicking myself for tossing the old ones. You can’t keep everything. There just isn’t room for all this junk. Hope the info saves you a couple of bucks.

    • #226123
      Idyll Ours

      I just realized I hadn’t closed the loop on this issue, I want to thank Rich Carter for the tip on replacement valves from Amazon, I ordered two and promptly had my 40 year old aluminum tanks rectified and refilled

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