Forums General Discussion Paint or Gel Coat

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    • #224447

      Hello all
      I maybe too aggressive with a scrub brush on an old boat. The gel coat on the deck of my boat has worn through in spots. I have blue showing is some places and actual fibers from the glass showing in others.
      I know that a top coat needs to be applied over this to protect. I have sprayed gel into a mold before and know how that works. My question is has anyone used gel coat to repair the surface of the deck?

    • #224448
      James Ward

      Just finished large area patch job on my fathers boat topsides hull. Color matching his 12 year old splotchy oxidation custom pale yellow was a real trick. I highly recommend watching the boatworks today youtube channel for gelcoat tips. Dont overdo the mekp or your batch will kick off before you get it inplace, wax additive can be acquired from Jamestown distributor at a fair price or you can use wax paper or saranwrap to air seal the surface without one of those options you are creating laminating gelcoat if all you is resin and pigment and catalyst. Busy now but will try to follow-up with a better writeup soon.

    • #224449
      James Ward

      Linus, are you mainly considering spray job or roll and tip? Are we talking generally flat sections or in corners of various coaming? Do you need to match the factory nonskid pattern or would you prefer a sand or rubber grain texture? My take is there are a variety of ways to go about this. On my previous boat I preferred to use polyurethane based topside paint. The reason for using gel on my fathers was a his choice and b we were using resin anyway to fill in some guages. If you go the roll and tip route we found the cross hatching of each consecutive buildup layer very important for a smooth surface. Even thinned down brush strokes show prominently and will need to be lightly resanded and rewaxed in places where we couldnt tip 90 degrees to the previous coat.

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