Forums Announcements need a fuel pump for 1981 westerbeak 58

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    • #225404
      Rock Richardson

      May need a working fuel pump for a 1981 Westerbeak 58 does any one know where to find one ?


    • #225405

      Low pressure or high pressure pump?

    • #225407
      Rock Richardson

      not sure are there two pumps on the engine ?

    • #225409

      Yes, there are two pumps. The lift pump is a small pump mounted somewhere on the engine that transfers fuel under low pressure from the fuel tank to the injector pump. This is an inexpensive pump and can be replaced with a cheap electric pump.

      The high pressure pump has four hard-line tubes that run up to the top of each injector and a hose that returns unused fuel back to the tank. This is a very expensive pump to service or replace.

      What makes you think you need a pump?

    • #225413
      Rock Richardson

      my mechanic can’t seem to get the engine stated. initially I needed to replace the head gasket, that was 3 months ago. he took off the head and left the head off without protecting the cylinder or pistons , for two months ! also left the cockpit hatch open to weather. When he went to put the head back on and connect everything the pistons were frozen and he burned up the starter. after a lot of brake fluid and two weeks, the pistons finally un froze. he put it all back reconnected everything bleed the system and he can’t get it to start. it turns over but won’t fire. he thinks it might be the fuel pump…. once I had accidentally grabbed the shift knob and put it in reverse ( I was installing a below deck autopilot) when I tried to start the engine it would turn over but not fire.( the engine always started right away, no smoke) when I put the gear back to neutral it started right up.. kinda sounds like what is happening.
      could the mechanic (?) have disconnected a wire that stops the engine from starting or connected the transmission in the wrong manner so the engine thinks it is in gear ? it been three months to replace the head gasket

    • #225414
      Bryan Bywalec

      Sounds like you need a new mechanic! There are lots of things that he could have done that would prevent the engine from starting without there being components that need replacing. There is a fuel solenoid that controls the fuel flow, it is shown on page 10 of the operators manual. If this circuit is not hooked up the engine wont start. It could also be that the engine’s fuel system has air in it and needs additional bleeding. It is relatively easy to check if the cylinder is getting fuel, you can take out an injector and check that it’s spray pattern is appropriate. Be careful as the injectors spray with immense pressure but in a very fine pattern. I did this when I replaced the injector on my Yanmar YSM-12 on my last boat. Here is what that looked like:

      If you need the operators manual or tech manual you can download them here:


      Bryan Bywalec
      S/V Pelican, Hull 209
      Siren Engineering, LLC

    • #225415

      I agree with Bryan. Testing the injectors will tell you if you are getting fuel to the cylinders.. If you suspect that the ejectors or the pump are not working properly there are places that will test, clean, and/or repair them at well below replacement cost..
      I would also recommend you do a compression test on each cylinder when you take out the injectors for testing.. Its easy enough to do and a tester only cost about 25.00 and would tell you the condition of the engine and see if the water and rust caused any unknown damage to your cylinders.. (you can have fuel and air but without enough compression the engine will not fire or be hard to start)..

      S/V Mela

    • #225416
      Rock Richardson

      thanks a lot to both of you.. this situation is driving me mad..I should be heading to the Bahamas as I write this.. definitely look into the fuel solenoid
      again thanks


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