Forums General Discussion nav light questions

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    • #66890
      john stevenson

      I replaced the bow running lights with a bi-color light on the rail last year. I used the standard rail mount for it so it will get crushed if I ever run the bow pulpit into something hard, but it is more likely I'll bash it with the anchor before that happens. I think the only safe place for the lighs is on the forward stantions, but then you're talking about 2 separate lights.

      Pics and description at
      You have to scroll way down toward the bottom of this page to Bow Running Lights and Bow Rail Re-bed.

      I currently have an incandescent bulb in this light as I use the deck lights only when motoring. It is an Aqua-Signal light so I believe DrLED would have an LED (if Pete's company doesn't have one). They may not have an LED for the model 25 light I used, it is likely they only have them for the larger model 40 and 41 lights. I replaced the incandescent bulbs in my tri-color with DrLED bulbs last year.
      So I know you can get LED bulbs for the larger Aqua-Signal lights, but I'm afraid the combination of the light and the LED bulb will put you well over $100.


      On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 1:06 PM, Silver Heels < ([email][/email])> wrote:

      Time to replace the original port-starboard running lights on Silver Heels. My thought is to extend the existing forward
      running lights' wires up through the mast pulpit and mount a bi-color nav light on the rail. Would like to use a pulpit
      rail mount for that, somehow reversed so the light fixture is a few inches abaft the bow pulpit's leading edge rather
      than sticking out in front of it – so it's not necessarily the first thing squashed next time I nudge a piling.

      My first question is, has anybody come up with a better mounting idea? (I already have a masthead tri-color. This light
      is for motoring, and maybe sailing in close quarters.)

      My second question regards LED, which I'd prefer. West Marine offers a simple #2984 Hella bi-color with 25W incandescent
      bulb (2 n mi visibility) for $63.99 retail. The LED bi-color lights are more than 4X that price. Is there an LED bulb
      made to (or that can be made to) replace the 25W incandescent bulb in the Hella light socket. Barring that, is there
      some other way to wind up with an LED bi-color light forward for under a hundred bucks?



      Silver Heels, P-424 #17

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      John Stevenson

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    • #69348

      Rich wrote:

      Regarding the LED nav lights. If you have a masthead tricolror, why bother
      with LED lamps on your deck lamps? Power savings from running the LEDs is
      of little value if the engine is running. IMHO, it would make more sense to
      invest in an energy efficient masthead.

      I think Rick is indeed right regarding the power consumption. The real
      benefit with a GOOD led bow light is reliability. I don’t know how many
      times I have found myself fiddling with incandescent units to get them
      to light.

      Now to what John said, SCADtech previewed the VERO Navigation Lights at
      the Miami boat show. This unit is tiny so less chance of getting caught
      on anything. It is designed for utter reliability. For example, it
      comes with a 12′ lead wire so you can make the first connect well below
      deck, in a dry area where the connections will not corrode or get
      snagged. It is still a few months before these ship, but they are
      really the cat’s meow in LED lights and the price will make all the
      other units out there look silly.

      In addition to the bow light, the same form factor will be available for
      a steaming light and a stern light.

      I send around some photos or a link soon.

      And here is some trivia with which you can impress your friends and win
      bets in bars… Where does the name “VERO” come from?

      Stay tuned.


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    • #69349
      john stevenson

      Sounds like a good, protected location for the light. Wish I’d thought of it.
      I agree you should be able to get the pulpit stanchion clear of the cap rail enough to drill the hole and run the wire for the light. You might consider removing all the stanchions while you’re at it and check the bedding. My pulpit had no bedding under any of the stanchions – the source of a leak in one of the forward cabin lockers. I did it without totally removing the pulpit – just did one side a time.


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