The time has come to replace the main mast boot. I looked on the rig-rite web site, and it appears they sell mast boots for metal mast, the brand of mast on my boat, and I assume other 424s. But…they need a mast part number. Does anyone have access to that info?
David: I wondered if you have tried SparTight.–spartite-mast-wedge-replacement-system–P002_065_007_501
I replaced my leaky wedges with SparTight about 4 years ago and it hasn’t leaked a drop since. Quite a nice system. It has had quite a test with about 6 Gulf Crossings, some storms, and even the rigors of racing in 20+kts. Though I haven’t had my mast out since I installed it, they say it pulls out with the stick and then goes back in smoothly, but that is yet to be seen.
OneEighty #54