Forums General Discussion Main sheet location

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    • #224034
      Michael Smola

      I just purchased 424 ketch. The winch for the main sheet is located on starboard
      Side bulkhead,near the cabin way hatch. On my 10M,it was located just in front of the helm. My question is,has anyone relocated this winch to a more convenient location ?
      Thanks, mike

    • #224035
      fred panna

      well, works well where she is located , y change factory

    • #224036
      Ryan Doyle

      Interesting. Ours must be different – our main sheet winch is located on the port side of the cabin top to the left of the companionway.

      1983 424 Ketch

    • #224037
      Ben Frothingham

      Mike – I totally get this comment. Mine is also on the port-side cabin top. It is not easy to reach the main sheet from behind the helm. I have not yet tried to move mine as I’m usually with someone, or I set the autopilot and go forward. The primary winches could also stand a move aft to make them more accessible from the helm. Send photos if you change it up.

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