Forums Announcements Mailist Problems

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    • #93718
      john stevenson

      While Ewan is working the clean up the Maillist problems, please include your name in all emails.  If you are originating a thread, your email address comes through so we can see you started the thread.  If you are replying to a thread your email address gets replaced with "  If you include your name in the body of the email we see who wrote the response.Also. as I learned, add a space at the end of all hyperlinks to separate the link from any characters that may follow. Regards,John Stevensonwww.svsarah.comSarah's Blog

    • #93719

      Good news is it’s just the friendly name that’s not populating! Thanks for the suggestion!With humility and gratitude.Ewan

    • #93721

      This is what I planned to use if I ever get to it. They have a cocoa color that might look good. I already have a black stripe between the toe-rail and rub-rails so I might go with black.–premium-striping-tape-3-4–P000224974


      —– Original Message —–

    • #94080


      I believe the challenge with figuring out the friendly name has been resolved. I haven’t seen it show up and we’re seeing a bit of traffic right now related to a couple more topics.

      Also, I’d like to thank the 42 of you who have visited the site in the last month or so! It is great to have such a vibrant and active community for our Good Old Boats!

      If anyone is seeing other problems or issues (we know about the formatting challenges, and attached images) please let me know!

      I’d like to point out that we’ve been blocked by google, AOL, Cox, Yahoo and Hotmail at various points, so if you’re on those domains, we’re working on it…

      For my personal account I’m on gmail, so I have a vested interest in sorting this out.


      Admin |

    • #94081

      Ewan, As you know, I don’t usually visit the website, but rely on the email side of it to keep in touch. I did have a look at yesterday, though, and noticed that I haven’t receive a couple of the messages people posted in a thread in which I’ve been participating (by email). The posts that never arrived as emails are:———————–January 7, 2016 at 12:00 pm #94070 — Site Administrator — Keymaster — Glad you’re safe! Sounds like quite a ride. For interests sake, what anchor do you carry with all that chain? I’m considering a 73lb Mantus, but I’m not sure that is overkill.EwanSent from Outlook Mobile———————–January 7, 2016 at 9:50 pm #94078 — typhoontye — Participant — From which direction was the wind blowing?  Off shore? David Tye———————– // Ewan & David, this is why I didn’t answer your questions.  //  Tor———————-Silverheels, P-424 #17 ———————       

      • #94195


        We’ve been losing emails occasionally because we’ve outgrown the 300 emails per hour that we originally had. To help us out, I’ve bumped our capacity to 500 emails per hour, which will help make sure that messages continue to flow.

        When we have active conversations, our server sends emails to everyone on the list. Separately. So we get over the 300 email an hour limit very quickly. Good news is the mail spools for an hour, and then sends it off in another batch of 300.

        So be patient! The increase in the number of emails comes at a cost, but it will improve the responsiveness of interacting via email.

        I will provide another update in the next few days to cover the formatting issues we’re experiencing. Some progress, but it’s not done.


        PS: RIP David Bowie

        Admin |

    • #94203



      Remind us again where/how to chip in towards the expense of maintaining this site and service. It’s heroic of you to engage the beast in battle on our behalf, but unfair that you should also bear all the out-of-pocket expense while we, the participating 424 owners, reap all the benefits. I hope all of us who find this website and the emails useful – or at least entertaining – will take a moment now to chip in $20 or $50 or $100, and then repeat the contribution every once in a while going forward – say, concurrent with your local NPR fund drives. 🙂


      Ewan, what’s this site & service cost, anyway (besides sleepless nights)? And where/how to we send money, honey? I know you told us once, but I was in the thick of preparations to set sail at the time and wasn’t paying much attention to anything else.






      Silverheels, P-424 #17







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