Forums General Discussion Lower coolant hose

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    • #226360
      Jeff Ramsey

      Aloha All – Lake many living with an old Westerbeke, I’m chasing overheating demons. Currently pulled the water pump and all the fresh water hoses. There’s a rubber elbow hose that connects the bottom of the water pump housing to a hard pipe which routes along the port side of the engine. This rubber elbow is 1 3/4″ ID at the water pump housing and 1 3/8″ where it connects to the hard pipe. It’s Westerbeke’s part number 24289. I’m having a devil of a time finding one of these elbows. Car parts stores have some transition elbows, but all I can find is 1 3/4″ to 1 1/2″. Have any of you replaced this elbow, and if so what did you use?



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