Forums General Discussion How does it breath?

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    • #66990


      On mine the intake is a screen under the exhaust manifold. You will probably need a mirror to look up under the manifold on the port side. No air cleaner just a screen with round holes.


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    • #69837

      It’s a small square hole with a screen over it on the underside of the cooling jacket.

      Rich Carter
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    • #69848

      Oops Starboard I was thinking backward like the engine I guess


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    • #69875

      Thanks all – I will see if I can find it on Thursday – Launch this Friday, unless more of my repairs fail……Here’s to wet bottoms!

      Chuck Ruble <> wrote:

      Eric, there’s a rubber hose that runs from the top of the valve cover to an aluminum tube. That tube extends down to the air cleaner. There is no element in the U shaped breather. If you were to remove the exhaust manifold it will come of with it. It could be removed independently but as there’s nothing to service there would be no reason. You should be able to feel the mesh screen that covers the opening if start with your hand aft of the lift pump and reach up under the heat exchanger. Ensuring it isn’t fouled with dog hair is about the best you can do.
      I looked closely at mine while it was off and thought that maybe at one point is was set up to be an oil bath type breather but wasn’t really sure. The W60 manual makes no reference to any oil in the assembly.
      Keeping the engine compartment free of dust and debris should help reduce wear on engine components. Dirt, whether in the fuel on in the air is the enemy of the diesel engine.


      On 5/11/08, Eric Lorentzon < ([email][/email])> wrote:

      OK – this from the stupid questions department –
      Where is the air intake on a W-60? I looked all about the engine and could not find an air filter – or what looked like an air intake.

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