Forums General Discussion Furlex 300S – Decore the Furling Line?

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    • #68376

      My Furlex 300S can be fussy when it furls and unfurls.
      If it doesn’t furl just right, the line seems to overwrap/bunch up (overfill
      the drum in spots) and won’t totally unfurl and/or be difficult to furl back
      I have cleaned/lubricated the bearings, tried different line diameter and
      tweeked the furling line entry into the drum..
      I’m wondering if de-coring the section of line that wraps around the drum
      will allow for more space to wrap and not fill the drum.
      Has anyone de-cored their furling line? Did it help? What would be the
      downside of trying it?

      maillist mailing list

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    • #77407

      I don’t have a Furlex, but I have always used a rope wire combo for the furling line. You can put more wire around the drum than rope. Also make sure you don’t have a lot of extra line around the drum when you have the sail furled. just need an extra wrap.
      One thing that I try to do is to maintain some kind of tension on the line when I furl or unfurl the sail so that the line is taught and don’t get any kind of over wrap.

      — On Tue, 7/12/11, Rick Dugger wrote:

      Post generated from Pearson424 Forum using Mail2Forum

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