Forums For Sale For Sale: Ketch Spreaders Black Friday $200 plus shipping

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    • #224492

      Ketch owners, this one is for you.

      I have both sets of spreaders – for the main and the mizzen, freshly powder-coated, in really good condition. Marine powder coating process, which means they’re going to be great against corrosion.

      Check them out!

      Worth at least $400. Which is about what the powder coating cost. $200 plus shipping.

      I will be back in MA to ship in early December.

      I also have one full set of sails, and one partial (excluding a main) that I am prepared to let go for $800. Includes two mizzen sails in excellent condition, a storm jib, a couple of other headsails (furling) and an older mainsail.

      Email for photos – I want to get them out of my storage unit as soon as I can.

      Fair winds!


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