Forums General Discussion DST810 installation

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    • #226285
      Jeff Ramsey

      Aloha all – I’m planning a complete refit/replacement of my sensors and instruments on Island Muse (’83 cutter). Everything is old Signet Marine, mostly analog, I suspect original to the boat. I’ve tried searching through the forum topics here and through the wider internet and haven’t found much info on some specific topics.

      The original speed sensor paddle wheel was installed in a through-hull just fwd of the mast and keel, a few inches stbd of centerline. It now has a blanking plug installed in the through-hull. I don’t recall there being much, if any, wedge to the backing. That may not be critical to a speed sensor if it doesn’t need to point straight down.

      The original depth sensor is in a through-hull accessible from the v-berth. I don’t think its backing has much of a wedge to it either, which means it’s probably closer to perpendicular to the hull shape than the seabed.

      Questions . . .
      1. Are either of these through-hulls reusable for installation of a new DST810 depth/speed/temp sensor, or am I going to have to haul the boat to install a new through-hull? I found some information that seems to indicate the inside diameter of the old through-hull is likely narrower than the outside diameter of the DST810.
      2. If EITHER through-hull is reusable, which one would be best for the DST810?
      3. If NEITHER is reusable, what location would be best – either of the current ones (with a new through-hull installed) or patch both holes and pick somewhere new?
      4. Should I consider separate speed and depth/temp sensors instead of the DST810?
      5. Does anyone here have experience with the newer B&G wireless wind sensor, or would the wired unit be the way to go?


      Jeff Ramsey
      Island Muse

    • #226286

      Hi Jeff,

      I just installed a DST810 on my B&G system. For the sounder to work properly you will probably have to drill a new hole on the centreline. Mine is just under the small forward hatch in the floor of the vberth. Makes it easy to get at and readings are very accurate. Love the Bluetooth calibration. My understanding is that the temperaure part of the airmar transducer is iffy. That’s why I replaced the original 800. Very good so far but…..


    • #226287
      Jeff Ramsey

      Thanks Thom.

    • #226288

      I also have a DST810 in the “original” position under the v-berth hatch.
      I did NOT change the deadrise angle and it works just fine. The specs say it works with up to 22 degrees deadrise.

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