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    • #224115

      Good Day,
      My Pearson 424 was sailed to Europe where l purchased her and sailed her back to U.S. this last year.
      I need documentary proof that my Pearson 424 hull No.25 was built in USA.
      something like a Builders Certificate, conformation that all 424 we built in the U.S.

      Any help would be appreciated.

      Kind Regards

    • #224116
      David Siegel

      Not sure how much these will help, and maybe you already know about them, but in case you don’t….

      This link goes to the Pearson 424 page of a site with specs on a huge number of boats:
      It lists the builder as Pearson(US). This isn’t exactly a certificate, but it is evidence, supported by the PEA in your hull ID #.

      Here is a document describing the history of Pearson,that doesn’t make a point of it, but seems to make clear that Pearson built boats in the US:

      Also, she must at one time have been registered or documented in the US. If you can track down her papers from before she left the US, I’d think the forms would have a place to indicate place of construction.

      On another topic, how did she handle the two Atlantic crossings?


      • #224132

        Thanks for all the help and information l will look into the site suggested.

        We only sailed her accross East to West last year great crossing southern Portugal to West Africa Cape Verde Islands to Barbados
        Crossing took 14 days good safe passage, no problems at all. Hauled in Florida, returned this year to take her north, mow in Virgina hauling out soon.

        Kind Regards

    • #224119


      Because Lady 2 was in Europe we had limited information on her many years ago. Can you share her full hull number? It might help to find if she was previously documented.

      In 2005, I wanted to change the hull number listed in USCG database for our 424 as it was recorded incorrectly. They (USCG) said I had to find a corrected builders cert as they version listed the incorrect hull number. This wasn’t going to happen as Pearson Grumman Inc (or whatever it was called) went out of business years ago and the current Pearson Inc has no relationship to the original company and does not have any of it’s records.

      BUT … I could submit a letter to that effect (along with $84) and they would consider the change. I was too cheap to pay the $84 at the time but I know it would have gone through.

      As I know that hull numbers 24 (595297) & 26 (600542) were both documented, I would think that you could reference the builders certificates on file for those boats along with a letter outlining the demise of Pearson as a company to certify your boat.

      Below is the text of the letter, I sent to USCG documentation center. They are very helpful so give them a call. I would be surprised if they didn’t walk you through the process.

      – pat

      Letter text:

      National Vessel Documentation Center
      792 T J Jackson Drive
      Falling Waters, WV 25419

      Re: SV Doris E, USCG # 647042

      Dear Sir or Madam:

      We have owned Doris E, a Pearson 424, since 1997. At that time we carried forth the documentation already established by the previous owners. It has come to our attention that the registered hull number is incorrect. I spoke with Pam, from your office, this morning who confirmed that the original builder’s certificate shows the hull identification number as: PEA58178M82C. This number is not the number on our hull. PEA58* models were a Pearson 323, 32.2 ft in length, built from 1976 to sometime in 1981. Pearson 424 HINs nominally all begin with PEA59.

      Pam suggested that I obtain a corrected builder’s certificate, if possible, and, if not possible, a hull rubbing. My research on Pearson Yachts indicates that this company is no longer in existence and therefore a corrected copy of the builder’s certificate is not available. Grumman Allied Industries owned Pearson Yachts from 1961 – March, 1986 at which time Pearson was sold to a private investor group headed by Gordon Clayton. Pearson went into bankruptcy in 1991. The trademarks and molds were sold to a Aqua Buoy Corp who went bankrupt before taking possession. Grumman re-acquired the molds in this bankruptcy sale. In 1996, the Pearson molds and trademarks were sold to Cal-Pearson Corporation which dissolved in 1999. Tillotson Pearson, Inc (TPI) had purchased the trademarked name of Pearson Yachts 1999. In 2004, Tillotson Pearson took the name Pearson Yachts. At this point there is a Pearson Yachts but its only connection is in the name Pearson. When I spoke with someone at Pearson Yachts, they wished me luck in finding anything.

      I am enclosing a hull rubbing from our Pearson 424, Doris E USCG # 647042, made on 10/1/05. It shows the correct hull number is: PEA59178M82C . I hope this is enough to correct the records.

    • #224120


      Because Lady 2 was in Europe we had limited information on her many years ago. Can you share her full hull number? It might help to find if she was previously documented.

      In 2005, I wanted to change the hull number listed in USCG database for our 424 as it was recorded incorrectly. They (USCG) said I had to find a corrected builders cert as they version listed the incorrect hull number. This wasn’t going to happen as Pearson Grumman Inc (or whatever it was called) went out of business years ago and the current Pearson Inc has no relationship to the original company and does not have any of it’s records.

      BUT … I could submit a letter to that effect (along with $84) and they would consider the change. I was too cheap to pay the $84 at the time but I know it would have gone through.

      As I know that hull numbers 24 (595297) & 26 (600542) were both documented, I would think that you could reference the builders certificates on file for those boats along with a letter outlining the demise of Pearson as a company to certify your boat.

      Below is the text of the letter, I sent to USCG documentation center. They are very helpful so give them a call. I would be surprised if they didn’t walk you through the process.

      – pat

      Letter text:

      National Vessel Documentation Center
      792 T J Jackson Drive
      Falling Waters, WV 25419

      Re: SV Doris E, USCG # 647042

      Dear Sir or Madam:

      We have owned Doris E, a Pearson 424, since 1997. At that time we carried forth the documentation already established by the previous owners. It has come to our attention that the registered hull number is incorrect. I spoke with Pam, from your office, this morning who confirmed that the original builder’s certificate shows the hull identification number as: PEA58178M82C. This number is not the number on our hull. PEA58* models were a Pearson 323, 32.2 ft in length, built from 1976 to sometime in 1981. Pearson 424 HINs nominally all begin with PEA59.

      Pam suggested that I obtain a corrected builder’s certificate, if possible, and, if not possible, a hull rubbing. My research on Pearson Yachts indicates that this company is no longer in existence and therefore a corrected copy of the builder’s certificate is not available. Grumman Allied Industries owned Pearson Yachts from 1961 – March, 1986 at which time Pearson was sold to a private investor group headed by Gordon Clayton. Pearson went into bankruptcy in 1991. The trademarks and molds were sold to a Aqua Buoy Corp who went bankrupt before taking possession. Grumman re-acquired the molds in this bankruptcy sale. In 1996, the Pearson molds and trademarks were sold to Cal-Pearson Corporation which dissolved in 1999. Tillotson Pearson, Inc (TPI) had purchased the trademarked name of Pearson Yachts 1999. In 2004, Tillotson Pearson took the name Pearson Yachts. At this point there is a Pearson Yachts but its only connection is in the name Pearson. When I spoke with someone at Pearson Yachts, they wished me luck in finding anything.

      I am enclosing a hull rubbing from our Pearson 424, Doris E USCG # 647042, made on 10/1/05. It shows the correct hull number is: PEA59178M82C . I hope this is enough to correct the records.

    • #224121
      Bryan Bywalec

      You can try searching her hull number here:

      May turn up any old documentation.

      Bryan Bywalec
      S/V Pelican, Hull 209
      Siren Engineering, LLC

    • #224131

      Thank you l will look at that option.
      Getting ready to haul but will report back later.


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