Forums General Discussion Deck Drain hose

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    • #67446

      What is the opinion on the type of hose for deck drains. Hardwall? Softwall? In the process of replacing the aft deck drain hoses and deck drains, maybe even replace the plastic thru hull fitting. Now remember these are the drains that are at the water line or above (depending on where your water line has been painted).
      After taking the hoses off, I am again not disapointed that I started this horrible job.

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    • #72350

      Hi Alan,

      My preference is hard hoses – the white ones like for heads.  I know these things are exposed to my incompetence with things heavy and sharp.  I like the extra measure of strength. 

      The black wire-wound hoses are good, too, but after years they tend to get sticky.  I don't like that.


      On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 4:47 PM, Alan P < ([email][/email])> wrote:

      What is the opinion on the type of hose for deck drains. Hardwall? Softwall? In the process of replacing the aft deck drain hoses and deck drains, maybe even replace the plastic thru hull fitting. Now remember these are the drains that are at the water line or above (depending on where your water line has been painted).
      After taking the hoses off, I am again not disapointed that I started this horrible job.

      Bob Fine
      s/v Pelican
      Hull #8

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    • #72351

      Head hose for sure! Hard to screw them up.

      Dan Kalinowski
      Lady Leanne (#135)

    • #72355

      I replaced my old drain hoses about four years ago with hard, white sanitation hose.
      While in the Bahamas last year I discovered a broken 11/2 plastic fitting through the transom (old inop. bilge pump exit) about six inches above the waterline which explained why I had been, intermittently, getting water in the bilge that I could not account for.
      I spent today replacing all the plastic fittings that exit at the boottop with Marilon. One of them (condenser exit) broke as I was removing it. So, I would highly recommend that you do the fittings as you replace the hoses.
      Phil Fontaine


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    • #72362

      Cheap “oil absorbing pads” for oil and filter changes… no-name
      disposable diapers

      Robert Fine wrote:

      Hi Alan,

      My preference is hard hoses – the white ones like for heads. I know
      these things are exposed to my incompetence with things heavy and
      sharp. I like the extra measure of strength.

      The black wire-wound hoses are good, too, but after years they tend to
      get sticky. I don’t like that.


      On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 4:47 PM, Alan P <
      > wrote:

      What is the opinion on the type of hose for deck drains. Hardwall?
      Softwall? In the process of replacing the aft deck drain hoses and
      deck drains, maybe even replace the plastic thru hull fitting. Now
      remember these are the drains that are at the water line or above
      (depending on where your water line has been painted).
      After taking the hoses off, I am again not disapointed that I
      started this horrible job.

      Bob Fine
      s/v Pelican
      Hull #8

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