Forums General Discussion Beta Marine Repower Questions

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    • #221341
      Hello Fellow P424 Owners,

      I am at the starting gate of repowering with a Beta Marine 50.  The team I have chosen is about to haul out the old Westerbeke and are wondering if we need to rebuild the engine skids or will the new engine just slide right in on the existing mounts.  Have any of you out there repowered with  Beta Marine 50 and do you have any words of wisdom you'd like to share?


      Bill Emberley

      SV Running Tab P424 #86

    • #221342
      john stevenson
      The Beta 60 was promoted by Beta as a drop in replacement for the W60 – no change to the engine mounts.  Don't know how the Beta 50 does in this regard and don't know how the W58 mounts compare to those for the W60.  If the Brit who used to run the Beta shop out of Washington, NC is still around he would be the best source for info on that subject.
      That said, most of us who have repowered also replaced the mounts, which were not that robust in the first place and after 30+ years probably should be replaced anyway.  

    • #221344

      I can only comment on what I found after removal of my engine as all 424s are different. The mounts were bolted to a fiberglass pan that had been cut to allow access to the strut bolts. The corners were drooping at the engine mounts. The pan had been glued in place with thickened epoxy. Because of the hole in the bottom the pan would not control any kind of leaks as I think it was originally designed.
      I installed stringers glued to the hull and layered glass over to tab it in. This is strong enough keep the engine in place for a lifetime. I tied the stringers together forward to create a pan under the engine. only disadvantage I
      have observed is more vibration transferred to the hull from the engine.
      My two cents

    • #221346
      Hi Bill,
      We recently repowered with a Beta 50.and now have 12 hours on it. We put it on the bed from which we took out the old westerbeke 60. We retained the velvet drive, and had the new brackets modified to match the feet position at the gearbox end (made by the mechanic that fitted our Beta). Although we drilled some new bolt holes into the engine bed, it otherwise matched up very well. We purchased from Beta the Velvetdrive adapter, the high rise exhaust (which we cut, turned rearward and rewelded), and the remote oil filter which we mounted.
      We are delighted with the result.

      Can provide photos.


      Stephen and jody
      Blue Pelican Hull122

    • #222505

      Stephen and Jodi (Blue Pelican),
      Old post, I know, but did you need the shallow oil pan on the Beta 50? I was talking with the US rep at a boat show recently and he couldn’t recall whether the 424 needed that option or not.

      Revery #219

    • #222506
      Hi Evan, we did order the shallow oil pan.  My prelim measurements showed that the it was too close to call, so we erred on the safe side.  We also ordered the remote oil filter mod, which helps to recompense the otherwise reduction of total oil in the system.  Makes for very easy oil changes too.

      By the way, we are Very, very happy to date with engine,  fuel savings  are amazing, and for the long distance/ remote sailing we do, it has been a wonderful advancement for the boat.
      Stephen Parry
      S.V. Blue Pelican


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