Forums General Discussion Battery monitor

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    • #67003

      I’ve seen a few monitors in the pictures on the web pages so I hope I can get some help, The installation guide states:

      “you will need a two-wire twisted pair flexible connection cable (minimum AWG 24/0.2 mm2) and a three-wire flexible connection cable (minimum AWG 21/0.4 mm2). Two isolated inline fuse holders with 1 amp slow blow fuses and some crimp terminals are also required. All these items are available in the Xantrex Battery Monitor connection kits”
      The kits seem to be over priced $50 for a few feet of wire and two fuses. But, I can’t find the twisted pair stranded (flexible) wire that the monitor calls for and the 1 amp slow blow fuses are nowhere to be found. I was planning to use cat 5 cable for the t/p wire but it is solid and not stranded. I am still at a loss for the slow blow 1 amp fuses. Once again I hope the experience of this group will have a possible solution.

      I know I’m cheap


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    • #69906


      Buy 2 different color 20-24AWG stranded hookup wire from Radio Shack or
      other outlet. Length longer than what you really need since twisting
      will shorten them. Chuck one end of both wires in your electric drill,
      hold on to the other ends ( a vice works well for this), pull tight,
      turn on the drill (slowly) .. Voila – twisted pair.

      1 AMP slow blows and inline fuse holders are also avaible from the same
      outlet. Ask for 3 AG type fuses.

      – dave (and pat)

      Linus Sumocean wrote, On 5/17/08 11:44 AM:

      I’ve seen a few monitors in the pictures on the web pages so I hope I
      can get some help, The installation guide states:

      *”you will need a two-wire twisted pair flexible connection cable
      (minimum AWG 24/0.2 mm**2) and a three-wire flexible connection cable
      (minimum AWG 21/0.4 mm2). Two isolated inline fuse holders with 1 amp
      slow blow fuses and some crimp terminals are also required. All these
      items are available in the Xantrex Battery Monitor connection kits”*

      The kits seem to be over priced $50 for a few feet of wire and two
      fuses. But, I can’t find the twisted pair stranded (flexible) wire
      that the monitor calls for and the 1 amp slow blow fuses are nowhere
      to be found. I was planning to use cat 5 cable for the t/p wire but
      it is solid and not stranded. I am still at a loss for the slow blow
      1 amp fuses. Once again I hope the experience of this group will have
      a possible solution.

      I know I’m cheap


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    • #69907


      Thanks, I had been to radio shack but not asked for the right thing I guess.
      When I looked at the install kits they had ato type fuses and radio shack
      didn’t have any 1 amp fuses.
      I went to the convenient radio shack not the bigger one, so guess where I’m
      off to now.



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